Garcinia Cambogia Extra Fat Burner

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Garcinia Cambogia Extra

 The Natural Fat Burner That Works Without Side Effects

As Recommended By TV’s Dr Oz 

If you want to successfully cut weight then Garcinia Cambogia is one of the best weight loss supplements on the market today.

A fruit native to southern Asia, it has been found to have powerful fat burning properties and the ability to keep hunger pangs to a minimum.  It has only been in recent years that the properties in Garcinia Cambogia have been fully recognised.

An extract known as Hydroxycitric acid (HCA) is taken from its rind and has been proven in clinical trials to have effective results in burning fat and reducing appetite.

How Garcia Cambogia Works

Garcinia Cambogia effectively changes the way that the body ( in particular the liver) deals with fats and carbs in our food, usually most is left unprocessed, with some ending up being stored in our body, instead most fat is channelled into our natural fat burning and energy providing process to help us lose weight and increase our energy.

By reducing and even stopping the production of Citrate Lyase, an enzyme that reacts on the carbohydrates that we consume and turning them into unwanted fat.

Instead of these carbohydrates being turned in to fat, they are converted into energy, this is known as Carbohydrate Oxidation.

Burning off stored fat and increasing energy levels are vital to successful training.

Garcinia Cambogia Extra Fat Burner Official Website

Reduces Appetite

The other way in which Garcinia Cambogia helps with weight loss is by changing the way we feel about food, in particular the urge to snack between meals.

This works at hormonal level by increasing the natural levels of Seratonin in our body, this is often dubbed the ‘feel good hormone’ as it is responsible for our moods as well as controlling our feeling of hunger. With increased levels of seratonin, it has been proven that we feel less hungry, and are less likely to snack between meals.

How To Take

The makers recommend taking a product that contains between 50 and 60% HCA to be truly effective, usual dose is one tablet to be taken three times a day.  Best before meals

Side Effects  – None reported 

Garcinia Cambogia is a completely natural product and does not cause any adverse reactions.  However as with any supplementation you should consult your doctor if you are taking any long term medication.

Recommended Natural Fat Burner For Cutting

Health and weight loss specialists Advanced Health have researched and studied over a long period of time and have come up with a powerful and proven supplement that will cut weight safely and successfully.

They have taken the power of Garcinia Cambogia and coupled it with the proven fat busting properties of Raspberry Ketones to provide what has been called the ‘Best Natural Fat burning product ever released’.

The product – called Garcinia Cambogia Extra uses a 60% concentration of pure Garcinia Cambogia HCA combined with the fat burning power of Raspberry Ketones.  You will see the benefits quickly with many users reporting weight loss of up to 7kg in just a month

Available to buyers worldwide from the official website, Garcinia Cambogia Extra costs from £34.95 ( $49.95) for a full months supply with discounted offers for those seeking longer term weight loss.

All orders are protected by a 30 day cash back guarantee

Find Out More Visit The Official Website Today

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